"LordyMercy, She's Got Talent!"
by Kim Koon
Some of the best things can be found in small towns; The best scenery, the best people, the best “mom and pop” restaurants, and the best talent. “LordyMercy” is a small letterpress printing business located in Readyville, TN, owned by Cannon County native, Heather Moulder. Heather is only 34 years old, but this young artist is keeping this old way of printing alive right here in our backdoor...
"Just One More Generation"
by Kim Koon
Basket making was a necessity at one time. During the depression it was a major source of income for some Cannon County families. White oaks were harvested, split, whittled, scraped, and shaped into well-made, usable baskets. The finished products were loaded-up, taken to local retailers, and sold or traded for things these families could not make or raise themselves...
"The Wheel Keeps Turning"
by Kim Koon
In a charming studio nestled into a shady corner of Woodbury, you’ll find ceramics artist, Gwen Copeland, 73, working to the hum of a spinning potter’s wheel with her 12-year-old dog, Dayla, nearby. On nice days, open windows welcome-in cool breezes and fresh air. While she works, soothing background music, or simply the sounds of nature and chirping birds, can be heard mixed in with the low whirring of traffic noises...