Who are we?

The award winning Arts Center of Cannon County is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation. It is a unique model for rural arts organizations. Situated in an underserved rural area in a town of 2,000 and a county of 14,000, The Arts Center annually commands a worldwide audience of 40,000 through its facility and over 100,000 through websites, publications, and recording projects. The Arts Center thrives on art of all forms through it's theatre program, art gallery, craft shop, concert series, and many more creative outlets. Drawing on the blue-collar roots of its community, the organization focuses on self-sufficiency, fiscal responsibility and social entrepreneurship. Since its inception in 1980, The Arts Center has averaged over 50,000 patrons yearly.


As a registered 501(c)(3) Not for Profit organization, The Arts Center relies on the help of the community so we can continue with our mission to provide arts and education to the rural Middle Tennessee area for years to come. We would appreciate any amount you are able to give!


What's in The Arts Center?

The Arts Center is comprised of several creative facilities within it's 18,000 square foot radius: 

White Oak Craft

White Oak Tennessee, Inc. is an important brand to craft artists in the Middle Tennessee area. From our local White Oak Gift Shop to our annual White Oak Craft Fair , we offer many opportunities for artists to sell and show their work. In the White Oak Craft shop, we offer works from local craft artists all year round that make for a perfect Christmas, anniversary, or any kind of gift. During the second full weekend of September, artists from around the eastern United States come together to participate in our annual White Oak Craft Fair. This event gives artist a change to sell and show their work to patrons as well as view other artist's work.



There are ongoing volunteer opportunities throughout the year, both on and off stage. Volunteers are utilized for cast, crew, box office staff, set building, prop crafting, grounds keeping, maintenance, costumes, event staff such as the White Oak Craft Fair, and much more!

Sign up for our mailing list below to see how you can help.

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